Book Three of Max and the Multiverse
A wise tiger once said that you should never shift on a world that you don’t want to inhabit for the rest of your life. Good advice, especially when visiting a jungle planet full of lizard bears.
Max learns an extraordinary truth about his furry companion while stranded on said planet, but there is no time to dilly-dally because he and Ross need to find Zoey and Perra, who have been captured by a familiar foe.
The race is on to reunite the crew and unlock the mysteries of the Banjo Ferret.
Available Formats: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover
eBook Distribution: Kindle, Kobo, Apple, Nook, Google, and more
eBook Price: $3.99
Published on 8/26/2018 by Mayhematic Press
Novel, Science Fiction, Humor